
Breaking Boundaries

June 8, 2023
Claudia Welss, IONS Board Chair and Interim CEO

“When we have limited information,
we have limiting views of reality.”

IONS Founder, Dr. Edgar Mitchell,
From Outer Space to Inner Space

In the Foreword of From Inner Space to Outer Space, Avi Loeb, Chair of Harvard’s Department of Astronomy, writes that Edgar Mitchell was a man willing to go where no man had gone before. IONS carries this same boundary-breaking impulse.

As humanity increasingly recognizes that we, too, must collectively go where we haven’t gone before, IONS uses science and direct experience to help us break the bounds of our limited understanding regarding the relationship between our inner and outer worlds, so the true nature of reality — and of ourselves — can be revealed, paving the way to a successful transit for all.

Breaking Through the Limits of Understanding

“Not many organizations can pull philosophy, physics, neuroscience, and mysticism together the way IONS does.”
—Bernard Carr, President, The Scientific and Medical Network

With your support, we can continue our boundarybreaking research and experimentation, so together we can uncover a more accurate and holistic view of consciousness and its role in the universe, opening new pathways for innovative solutions to humanity’s challenges.

Our scientific research and public programming are almost entirely reliant on the gifts of our members and supporters. We can’t do this work without you — that’s why the IONS Board of Directors is offering a $100,000 Challenge Match.  All gifts will be doubled up to $100,000 through June 30, 2023. Please consider making a special gift, becoming an annual member for $60 or a sustaining member for just $10 a month.

Make a Gift

”IONS has walked beautifully the fine line between being seen as too ‘out there’, and being seen as the really credible scientific organization that it is.”
—Jessica Utts, Former President, American Statistical Association

We stand at a threshold. Perceiving and embodying our true interconnectedness is key to our collective thriving. Let’s break the bounds of limiting perception for ourselves, our planet, and those who will inherit what we leave behind.

Thank you for standing with us at this defining moment.

Claudia Welss, IONS Board Chair and Interim CEO

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