Does psychic ability run in families? Dr. Dean Radin, one of the world’s premier investigators of psychic abilities and Chief Scientist at IONS, recently spoke about this topic in a Mystery Wire interview.
“Every culture in the world has folklore, about families where people seem to be psychic,” said Dr. Dean Radin, one of the world’s premier investigators of psychic abilities and Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). “So that would suggest that there is an element of the talent that is able to be inherited. That in turn suggests that there are genetics involved.”
Dr. Radin and his colleagues set out to see if these abilities are stronger in some family bloodlines. The team was genuinely surprised by what they found.
“What we originally thought is that we would find that there would be differences in a positive direction and a sense we’d find mutations in the psychics as compared to the controls. But actually, it’s the other way around,” Dr. Radin told Mystery Wire. “There are also variants out there, there are mutations. And so the subset that we found in our control group, who never reported any psychic abilities, and no one in their family ever did, they are the mutants.”
Watch the entire Mystery Wire interview on YouTube