Reception (with potluck finger food), followed with a presentation by an emergency room physician that studies medical cases of patients who claim to have been healed by non-human beings
Cost: $20 – Make checks payable to IONS
About the Speaker
Dr. Burkes talk will expand on the UFO associated medical healings as reported in the FREE Experiencer Research Study. The Foundation for Research into ET and Extraordinary Experiences (FREE) is a non-profit educational research organization that has just published the world’s first comprehensive academic investigation of individuals that have had UFO/UAP related contact with non-human intelligences.
The survey involved a detailed questionnaire consisting of 600 quantitative questions followed by 70 open ended questions requiring written responses. Over 4,000 individuals took the survey in English and it has been translated into Spanish, Chinese and German. The findings of this study are reported in the book “Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non-Human Intelligence”.
Question 137 of the survey asked,” Do you believe that any of these ETs have performed a medical healing on either you or another member of your family?”
Out of 1,534 respondents, (50%) said “yes”.
In Chapter Six of Beyond UFOs, Dr. Burkes and author Preston Dennett describe in detail ten cases of medical healings drawn from the FREE survey. These included such diverse diagnoses as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, cellulitis, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhagic shock, and lung cancer.
Dr. Joseph Burkes is a retired Emergency Room Physician with 30 years of medical practice.
In the 1990s he was closely associated with Dr. Steven Greer’s Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind and has facilitated human initiated encounters with UFOs while working with CSETI, MUFON and the Peruvian contact network known as Mission Rama.
See a short introduction to his work