Delorme, A., Majumdar, A., Sivagnanam, S., Martinez-Cancino, R., Yoshimoto, K., Makeig, S. (2019) The Open EEGLAB Portal. Conf Proc International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering.
The EEGLAB signal processing environment is a widely used open source software environment for processing electroencephalographic (EEG) data. The Neuroscience Gateway ( is a software portal allowing users to readily run a variety of neuroimaging software on high performance computing (HPC) resources. We have expanded the current Neuroscience Gateway (NSG) services to enable researchers to freely run EEGLAB processing scripts and pipelines on their EEG or related data via the Neuroscience Gateway. This Open EEGLAB Portal is open to all for use in nonprofit projects and allows researchers to submit unimodal or multimodal EEG data for parallel processing using standard or custom EEGLAB processing pipelines. A detailed user tutorial is available ( As a proof of concept, we apply an EEGLAB pipeline to freely available 128-channel EEG data from 1,097 participants in the Child Mind Institute Healthy Brain Network project (