
Distant Healing Intention Therapies: An Overview of the Scientific Evidence

November 1, 2005
Dean Radin, PhD, Marilyn Schlitz, PhD

Radin D, Schlitz M, Baur C. (2015) Distant Healing Intention Therapies: An Overview of the Scientific Evidence. Glob Adv Health Med. Nov;4(Suppl):67-71.


This article provides a broad overview of “distant healing intention” (DHI) therapies, ie, intentional healing modalities claimed to transcend the usual constraints of distance through space or time. We provide a summary of previous reviews and meta-analyses that have explored a diverse array of DHI modalities, outcome measures, and experimental protocols. While some significant experimental effects have been observed, the evidence to date does not yet provide confidence in its clinical efficacy. The purported “nonlocal” nature of DHI raises significant methodological and theoretical challenges. We recommend several avenues for improving future research.

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