The Possibility Accelerator

Amplify the power of your creative mind

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Do You Have a Dream Waiting to Come to Life?

Is there a vision you’re longing to bring to fruition? A creative endeavor, a personal transformation, or a passion project primed to burst forth? You may not know precisely what it is — yet you have a persistent urge to do or change something.

That may well be a moonshot calling you!

These inner calls for transformation — of impactful changes for ourselves, our communities, and the world —  are opportunities for significant growth and creation. Moonshots ask us to stretch, to access inner resources we may not know we possess, and to reach beyond the seeming boundaries.

Most importantly, moonshots build bridges to an inspiring new reality.

The Possibility Accelerator is designed to help you uncover the tools, strategies, and mindset needed to manifest your moonshots while fostering a ripple effect of positivity and growth in the lives of those around you.

Your Moonshot:
A Science-based Approach to Manifesting the Life You Desire

The Possibility Accelerator is based on IONS’ 50+ years of scientific research on the interconnected nature of reality and the effects of intention and attention on the material world. Focusing on noetic concepts, tools, and practices you will use the Possibility Accelerator Formula to create a custom process to:

  • Define, explore, and energize your personal moonshot vision
  • Enhance your conscious awareness of the interconnected whole and learn to use it more skillfully in your life
  • Identify noetic tools and practices to support your moonshot vision (and other aspects of your life)
  • Formulate a process and ignite a spark that will help you move this vision into reality
  • Understand your own unique Noetic Signature™ and use it to support your progress toward your moonshots

Four Modules to Guide You

Each module consists of video lectures, experiential explorations, and other curriculum for you to use at your own pace, along with a resource library to further explore the concepts and science behind this course. By the end of the course, you will have designed a personalized formula for you to use in creating moonshots throughout your life.



Introduction to The Possibility Accelerator Formula and other fundamental concepts



Leverage the power of intention for your hopes, dreams, and desires



Invite information from the interconnected field of consciousness to arise and offer further clarity



Take action to launch your moonshot and begin to create the transformation you desire

Reach for a New Reality!


Frankly, I thought the course was brilliant.

The curriculum was beautiful. The organization was elegant and accessible. The variety of activities and experiences provided a wealth of information that came from a variety of kinds of communication.

Sara H.

It allowed me to tap into my self and find an additional layer of trust and recognition.

It guided me to explore my inner horizons. This has been a life-changing process for my personal stage of development and it has grown my courage to be the master of my own destiny.

Rachael A.

Every module offered valuable information, meaningful practices and abundant resources.

The course was well-researched, positive and meaningful. It offered hope and connection to an every day ordinary person like myself; it’s not just for Phd-brainiacs. A real boost to my psyche and hope for my heart in these stressful, mixed-up uncertain times.

Brittany E.

The structure was easy to follow and engage in.

I wanted the structure and pragmatics of a tangible program to help me realize my potential and move me along. Loved the upfront and grounded presentation. You love what you do and it shows. You are in your flow and I love it when people are not afraid to shine and be their true authentic selves. Thank you!

Jac C.

Inspired by Science, Transformed by Experience

This Possibility Accelerator is designed to deepen the connections to the common ground of reality, and to spark inspiration that will lead us each to our individual moonshots.

Whether your moonshot is a personal goal, a desire for your family or community, or a vision for the world-at-large, we invite you to tune into the interconnected “inner space” of reality to accelerate the possibilities.


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