IONS President and Senior Scientist Cassandra Vieten was honored to be interviewed on the All Possibilities podcast this Fall. On the All Possibilities podcast, intuitive life purpose coach, Yale and MIT alum and founder of Being My Purpose, Julie Chan, talks with entrepreneurs, business executives, scientists, educators, and leaders to hear their stories of transformation, and examine the science behind them. She also explores what it means for anyone to unlock one’s potential in life and career.
Topics explored in this episode include:
- IONS, and its scientific research
- Vieten’s father was a scientist, secular humanist
- Her mother had more interest in the symbolic world, dreams, symbols, storytelling
- How she developed a fascination with both inner and outer worlds Her training as a psychologist
- Turning the lens of science onto things she was learning in psychology program
- How keeping things you like and getting rid of thing you don’t like causes a paradox
- Misunderstanding what is possible Information may be contained in an additional layer of reality
- What’s been found in research so far
- Bringing together all the work happening in the field What happens on someone’s own body due to intentions
- When you pay attention to systems do they behave differently at a quantum level
- Aspects of the mind extends beyond the body
- Evidence of the possibility of precognition
- Spoon bending
- The need for more research, and funding
- The resistance to this topic even in higher education, terming it pseudoscience
- The power of our intention and how we direct thoughts
- Experiments and experiences solidifying data available that generates additional interest in optimization
- A shift or change in perception, how work can support transformation of humanity in a way that makes it more difficultto be unkind to others and themselves
- A larger calling for fulfillment, central to lives
- How we can be kind and translate that into behavior changes
- The importance of self compassion Its not about becoming perfect — it’s about becoming real.
- Why the scientific method is awesome
- Citizen science
- Getting involved or collaborating
- Twitter as a data source
- The need for funding and the economics of not solving the issue of human potential
You can find the interview on the All Possibilities website:
Also Available on iTunes: