A joint online event from the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the Scientific and Medical Network.
September 4, 2020
11:00am-12:30pm Pacific
How best can we live our truth in the light of death?
Join us for this panel discussion to engage in essential issues about life and death that we all face. What are your key values and priorities? Are you living these now? If not are there any changes you might decide to make?
Psychiatrist and pioneer in near-death studies Dr. Elisabeth Kubler Ross once told the story of a man who had just retired. He was looking forward to a leisurely pace of life, but was instead given the news that he had only six weeks to live. His words are a wake-up call for us all: “I made a good living, but I never really lived.” In reflecting on their own lives, the dying themselves often convey really important messages about what is truly significant in life: love, family, friendship, happiness, wisdom, courage, forgiveness, authenticity, balance, meaning, service, growth, and finally surrender.
Join us on Friday, September 4th, for this special joint webinar between IONS and the Scientific and Medical Network to hear from three extraordinary panelists who have all spent decades working in the field of consciousness, dying and death. Tune in for what promises to be a valuable and engaging session that may well provide you with fresh hope and inspiration.
David Lorimer is a writer, lecturer, poet and editor who is a Founder of Character Education Scotland, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical and former President of Wrekin Trust and the Swedenborg Society. He has also been editor of Paradigm Explorer since 1986 and completed his 100th issue in 2019. He is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including Survival? Death as Transition, Resonant Mind (originally Whole in One), The Spirit of Science, Thinking Beyond the Brain, and Radical Prince about the ideas and work of the Prince of Wales. He is the originator of the Inspiring Purpose Values Poster Programmes, which has reached over 350,000 young people. He is also Chair of the Galileo Commission which seeks to widen science beyond a materialistic world view.
Peter Fenwick, MD, is Emeritus Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Maudsley Hospital and Emeritus Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry. His other appointments included Consultant Neurophysiologist at St. Thomas’s, Westminster and Broadmoor Hospitals. For 10 years he was a Trustee of the Prince of Wales Foundation for Integrated Health. Dr. Fenwick is Emeritus President of the Scientific and Medical Network and is former Chair of the Board, The Study Society. He is the author, with his wife Elizabeth, of many books on consciousness and death, most recently The Art of Dying. His autobiography, Shining Light on Transcendence, was published last year.
Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, is a social anthropologist, researcher, writer, and charismatic public speaker. She is the ITP Program Chair in the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology at Sofia University and serves as President Emeritus and Senior Fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. For more than three decades, Marilyn has been a leader in the field of consciousness studies. Her research and extensive publications focus on personal and social transformation, cultural pluralism, extended human capacities, and mind body medicine. She has a depth of leadership experience in government, business, and the not-for-profit sectors. Her broad and varied work has given her a unique ability to help individuals and organizations identify and develop personal and interpersonal skills and capacities needed by 21st century leaders. Her books include: Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind Body Medicine, Living Deeply: The Art and Science of Transformation in Everyday Life, and Death Makes Life Possible.
Karen Wyatt, MD, is the bestselling author of the book 7 Lessons for Living from the Dying, which contains stories of patients she cared for as a hospice doctor and the spiritual lessons she learned from them at the end of their lives. Dr. Wyatt also hosts the End-of-Life University Podcast, which features conversations with experts who work in all aspects of end-of-life care. She teaches that in order to live life fully we must each overcome our fear of death and embrace the difficulties that life brings us.