University of California, Berkeley

N2 – The Noosphere at 100: The Future of Human Collective Consciousness

November 18-19, 2023 (PST)

N2 is an international, interdisciplinary conference fostering creative collaboration for intentionally and ethically steering the future evolution of global consciousness.

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the identification of the noosphere, “N2” signals the exponential pace of the evolution of the noosphere and the reality that the next century will far exceed the last in rapid and radical change to the global mind.

“N2” also suggests how the noosphere amplifies our access to human understanding – beyond the individual “n of 1.”

The 3-day conference, to be held at the historic International House on the campus of University of California, Berkeley, features thought leaders, scholars across fields, and eminent scientists, including Philip Beesley, Johan Bollen, Anne Clin, John Cressler, Terrence Deacon, Ilia Delio, Ben Goertzel, Francis Heylighten, Kevin Kelly, Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Jaron Lanier, Wolfgang Leidhold, Raphael Liogier, Louis Savary, Gregory Stock, Brian Thomas Swimme, David Sloan Wilson, and others. The program includes plenary and concurrent sessions featuring invited and selected presentations and a selected poster exhibit. Interactive formats that prioritize discussion and application are welcomed.

N2 – The Noosphere at 100: The Future of Human Collective Consciousness
November 17 – 19, 2023
University of California, Berkeley

This workshop is hosted by Human Energy. Please visit their website for more information.



University of California, Berkeley


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