Helané W, Garret Y, Dean R, Loren C, Arnaud D, et al. A holistic Approach to Energy Medicine Trial Data: Exploratory Analyses Energy medicine Trial Data. Biostat Biom Open Access J. 2024; 11(5): 555821. DOI: 10.19080/BBOAJ.2024.11.555821
The study’s objectives were to evaluate the relationships between the subjective pain scores and nerve conduction velocity (NCV), demographic/predictor variables, and objective outcomes from data collected in an energy medicine study on participants with hand and wrist pain. Subjective and objective measures were collected before a 30-minute energy medicine session, immediately after the session, and three weeks later. The primary outcomes were subjective pain ratings and the affected wrist’s NCV. Secondary outcomes included subjective, physiological, and environment-related measures. The relationships between these measures were evaluated with linear mixed-effect and cumulative link models and redundancy analyses. Slower NCV was associated with practitioner gender being male and lower participant age. Improved pain was associated with income being $75k to under $150K and the personality trait of openness. Subjective variables, electrocardiography (ECG) measures, geocosmic, and water variables explained 9% (geocosmic) up to 29% (subjective/demographic) of the pain and NCV scores. All differences in variables or change scores explained 9% of the baseline-post-session pain and NCV scores and 54% of the variation in the baseline to 3-week pain and NCV scores. Multiple significant positive and negative correlations between variables with each other and with pain and NCV were found. This study’s results support the notion that practitioner and participant gender, participant age, income, health status, and the personality trait of openness play some role in energy medicine sessions and pain relief. ECG and geocosmic variables explain variability in pain and NCV change. Additional studies exploring the nuances of these relationships are warranted.