Neuroscience Needs a Revolution to Understand Consciousness

Despite the vast detailed knowledge of the brain, neuroscience cannot 1) explain consciousness, memory, binding nor real-time conscious action, 2) effectively treat Alzheimer’s or other brain disorders, nor 3) define our place in the universe. Why not? Oversimplified cartoon neurons.

‘AI’ has reinforced the notion of the brain as a complex computer of simple, empty, ‘cartoon’ neurons based on 1950s physiology, processing solely by surface membranes, synaptic transmissions, and firings as “bit-like’ units in frequencies up to 100 hertz.

But deeper, faster, coherent, and quantum non-local information processes in cytoskeletal microtubules inside neurons regulate neuronal-level functions. Over the past 10 years, Anirban Bandyopadhyay has discovered coherent kilohertz, megahertz, gigahertz, and terahertz resonance vibrations in microtubules, with megahertz and gigahertz detectable from the human scalp. Aarat Kalra, Jack Tuszynski, Travis Craddock, and others have shown quantum optical effects in microtubules are inhibited by anesthetics that selectively block consciousness.

The Penrose-Hameroff ‘Orch OR’ theory proposes consciousness depends on ‘orchestrated’ (‘Orch’) quantum superpositions leading to Penrose ‘objective reductions’ (‘OR’, wavefunction self-collapses) in brain microtubules, connecting to fundamental spacetime geometry. Orch OR has more explanatory power, connection to biology, and experimental validation than all ‘neuroscientific’ theories based on low-frequency, oversimplified cartoon neurons combined.

Neuroscience needs a revolution inward, to deeper, faster quantum processes in microtubules to understand consciousness and treat its disorders.

This event features an incredible lineup of speakers, including IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin, Sir Roger Penrose, Stuart Hameroff, and many more!

Neuroscience Needs a Revolution to Understand Consciousness
August 18-20, 2023
Encinitas, California

This event is hosted by The University of Arizona Center for Consciousness Studies. Please visit their website for more information.


2023 Parapsychological Association Convention

As an international professional organization of scientists and scholars engaged in the study of psi experiences, the Parapsychological Association has been at the forefront of research in the field of parapsychology for over 65 years and is pleased to host an in-person convention once again.

This year’s convention will take place from Thursday through Sunday, August 3-6, 2023, in the beautiful city of Oslo, Norway. It will be hosted by the Norwegian Parapsychological Society in Fanehallen, a stunning venue at the center of the city.

At this year’s convention, attendees will have the opportunity to learn from and engage with some of the leading experts in the field, as well as network with an international community of scholars. Notable speakers include IONS Director of Research and President of the Parapsychological Association, Helané Wahbeh, and many more.

Whether you are a seasoned researcher, an enthusiast, or a student new to the field, we hope that the 2023 PA Convention will be an exciting and enriching experience for all.

2023 Parapsychological Association Convention
August 3-6, 2023
Oslo, Norway

This event is hosted by the Parapsychological Association. Please visit their website for more information.

LEARN MORE AND REGISTER AT THE Parapsychological Association’S WEBSITE

Building the Future Together: Concepts & Innovations for the Future of Our Planet

Amidst the chaos of our rapidly changing times, there is a new horizon dawning. People all around the world are taking action for the future of our planet, creating the change that we so deeply need.

These revolutionary individuals & organizations are bringing new ideas to our global table — Ideas from every corner of the planet, and innovations that tap into greater possibilities than we have ever known before.

Building the Future Together is a conference designed to bring together innovators & visionaries, for profound conversations, explorations, & a global exchange of ideas & projects. This conference will give a platform & voice to these new-idea generators…And to the collective consciousness that speaks through all of us.

Speakers, including IONS Director of Research Helané Wahbeh, PhD, will discuss & bring a spotlight to projects & innovations from all around the world. Concepts such as indigenous & shamanic traditions, community-based projects, permaculture & sustainability, water & land conservation, forest restoration, psychological & spiritual well-being, and more!

Through exciting conversations with thought leaders, visionaries, pioneers, and innovators, attendees will explore entirely new dimensions of what is possible for the future of our world, and for the future of humanity.

Building the Future Together: Concepts & Innovations for the Future of Our Planet
June 5-6, 2023

This event is hosted by Ismail Eboo Pirbhai. Please visit their website for more information.


At the Edges of Consciousness

The study of consciousness requires that we take seriously the many flavors of human experience, even those—ranging from psychedelics and lucid dreaming to synchronicities, near-death experiences and mystical phenomena—that could be said to enter through the ‘backdoors of perception.’ Such experiences have until now been largely avoided by academia and left to lie beyond the border of what is typically explored scientifically and discussed in public.

However, now it is more openly being asked whether such experiences can actually inform—and even transform—not just neuroscience and fundamental physics but also our very understanding of the nature of reality and our collective and individual place in the world.

The Pari Center seeks to bring together world-renowned experts from a variety of disciplines, including IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin (via Zoom), to meet together and deepen our insights on the workings and bases of such experiences, while also exploring creative and rigorous frameworks to integrate such a constellation into a coherent understanding.

Through presentations and informal discussions in a convivial atmosphere, attendees will learn about and have opportunities to discuss the insights and research findings of world-renowned experts on what are called ‘exceptional’ experiences. The subject fits under the umbrella of consciousness research, which is currently enjoying a huge renaissance in terms of general interest and academic momentum.

Join the Pari Center for this groundbreaking event.

At The Edges of Consciousness
June 6-13, 2023
Pari, Italy

This event is hosted by the Pari Center. Please visit their website for more information.


International Energy Psychology Conference

Do you want your clients to heal faster and deeper with less stress? Join 700+ professionals at this beloved mind-body conference designed to nourish, educate and empower you.

With world-class faculty and like-minded colleagues, you’ll learn mind-body methods to rapidly heal trauma, reduce anxiety, enhance performance, and more. This is your chance to gain the tools you need to become a more effective change agent for your clients, community, and beyond.

This event is available to attend onsite and online. The main, onsite event includes:

  • 8 keynotes, 2 invited presentations, and choice of 8 learning labs or 2 demos / 4 quantum talks per time slot
  • Full breakfast Friday through Sunday and annual lunch
  • Research Symposium
  • Conference livestream recordings

IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin, MS, PhD, will also be appearing as a keynote speaker. He will discuss the role of consciousness and the relationship between brain and mind. Join him to explore this evolution in our worldview and see how the scientific paradigm is changing.

International Energy Psychology Conference
June 1-5, 2023
Hyatt Regency, Baltimore, Maryland (Also available to Livestream)

This event is hosted by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). Please visit their website for more information.


Mind, Body & Spirit Week

Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the International Spiritualist Federation! The 2023 anniversary Mind, Body & Spirit Week, the ISF’s annual education and training conference, will be held at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, UK

The ISF annual events are special, bringing together like-minded people to share, learn, and socialize. The events also give the opportunity for members to liaise with other Spiritualists who might be following a similar path, giving them the chance to share joys, challenges, and the path forward. At these gatherings, the important factor is the inclusive atmosphere in learning. In learning together, we all benefit from our experience and knowledge. Add into that the excellent tutors who will be coaching and teaching.

Notable speakers include IONS Director of Advancement Rosemary Calderalo, PhD, who will teach a week-long course called “Exploring Trance Mediumship,” where participants will focus on developing a deeper awareness of altered states. Rosemary will also co-leading a workshop for understanding what are the key elements in forming a circle to practice and deepen connections in trance and physical mediumship.

Mind, Body & Spirit Week
June 3-10, 2023
Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, UK

This event is hosted by the International Spiritualist Federation. Please visit their website for more information.

LEARN MORE AND REGISTER AT International Spiritualist Federation’S WEBSITE

Applied Precognition Project Conference

Join the Applied Precognition Project for their annual conference — a long weekend and informal gathering of like-minded people who have a passion for applying their precognitive ability and want to hear and mingle with leaders in the field. Enjoy three days of presentations by renowned speakers, including IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin, in live online webinars via Zoom.

This event will also feature the prediction of 6 events using Associative Remote Viewing with the training of Full Positive Feedback. Learn how to do ARV among friends or flex your skills for fun!

Applied Precognition Project Conference
May 26-28, 2023

This event is hosted by the Applied Precognition Project. Please visit their website for more information.


Shift’s Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit 2023

Do you sometimes wonder if the Universe is sending you important messages, but you’re just not picking up on the signals? Ever wish you had a way to amplify and refine your psychic abilities to access and navigate invisible realms more easily?

During the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit, you’ll hear from leading experts who will share essential ways to receive, navigate, and apply vibrational insights from messages, intuitive hits, and inner knowings — bringing you clarity, guidance, and inspiration on your spiritual journey.

Join us to demystify the psychic realm. You’ll discover how to interpret the metaphysical map to receive wisdom and guidance, overcome overwhelm, and learn about timeless methods and approaches like Tarot, channeling, psychic protection, chakras, auras, and more!

During this groundbreaking 5-day event with more than 35 prominent speakers, including IONS Director of Research Helané Wahbeh, you’ll discover:

  • The most important behavior change you can make to excel as an intuitive, empath, psychic, or medium
  • An easy sequence of steps for developing your intuitive, metaphysical, and psychic sensitivity as you open your “third eye” and learn to sense and understand energy
  • How channeling can range from gut hunches to less common experiences like mediumship and trance-channeling
  • How to determine your intuitive awareness type — physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual — so you can further develop your gifts
  • “Alliance Space” — an incarnational spirituality tool that allows a non-physical being to interact with you in mutual safety and hospitality
  • How to recognize and develop the intuitive and psychic skills you already have that are built into your metaphysical DNA
  •  Secrets at the heart of the ancient Andean medicine known as Tukuy Rikuy — and how you can activate your intuition to read and trust signs and omens
  • And much, much more!

Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit
April 10 – 14 2023
Free Online Event

This event is hosted by The Shift Network. Please visit Shift’s website for more information.


If you have any questions, please visit The Shift Network’s support page or contact

Science of Healing Summit 2023

In the past few years, exciting research has come to light in the areas of bio-optimization, functional medicine, and sound healing, providing an expanded toolkit for your practitioner partners to work with you to create your own unique, customized protocol for healing.  

Now you can join a global gathering of pioneers in evolutionary consciousness — including leading-edge scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring teachers — sharing a powerful synthesis of inner and outer knowledge that promises to shift your consciousness and unlock your innate capacity to heal body, mind, and spirit. 

During this groundbreaking 5-day event with host and IONS Director of Research Helané Wahbeh, you’ll discover:

  • Why only 5% of your health and life expectancy is governed by your genes — and how to leverage day-to-day habits to stay healthier now… and well into your golden years
  • The fascinating techniques you can use to tap into the healing power of light and increase the energy in your cells
  • Intuition Medicine®a system of energy diagnostics and healing for processing emotions, trauma, and illness by clearing stuck patterns in the body
  • How to awaken your inner divinity through your bioenergetic field, bio circuitry system, and biochemical secretions
  • Frequencies and resonances in the earth’s energetic systems that overlap with heart and brain rhythms to create intentional energy fields that raise your consciousness and the planet’s vibration
  • Lifestyle practices, health technologies, and products for optimizing health, peak performance, and reverse biological aging 
  • Two sessions or more per week of brain training as the answer to building new neural pathways and optimizing brain function 
  • And much, much more!

Science of Healing Summit
March 20 – 24, 2023
Free Online Event

This event is hosted by The Shift Network and co-sponsored by IONS. Please visit Shift’s website for more information.


If you have any questions, please visit The Shift Network’s support page or contact

The Art & Science of Channeling Deep Inner Wisdom, How to Establish Trust With Your Higher Guidance and Divine Inner Knowing.

New 7-Week Live Video Training Starts Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Shift Network and IONS are partnering to invite you to join the new course, The Art & Science of Channeling Deep Inner Wisdom, How to Establish Trust With Your Higher Guidance and Divine Inner Knowing.

In this revealing 7-week course, IONS Director of Research Helané Wahbeh shares fascinating research and case studies that validate the channeling and intuitive experiences that are available to us all.

You’ll learn energetic clearing techniques and experience guided visualization and breath-focused meditations to help you ground into the earth and connect to the heavens — to enhance your vessel as a conduit of deep, inner wisdom.

Each week, you’ll explore new evidence and theories and experience meditation and channeling practices.

You’ll also learn the characteristics of your own personal Noetic Signature™ — the unique way you access and express this kind of information and energy, whether through intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition, or other abilities.

By the end of the program, you’ll understand how to be your own channeler. You’ll learn to know what is in your highest and best interest — and trust your ability to make decisions that are good for you — in each and every moment.

Join Helané in a transformational and profoundly energizing 7-week journey, to explore the big questions around consciousness, extended human capacities, and your own noetic potential.

The Art & Science of Channeling Deep Inner Wisdom
How to Establish Trust With Your Higher Guidance and Divine Inner Knowing.

Live Course Sessions Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific – Starts March 1

This event is hosted by The Shift Network. Please visit their website for more information.


If you have any questions, please visit The Shift Network’s support page or contact

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