You might know someone who channels. Perhaps you feel divinely guided by your own intuition.
Sometimes, you just know something, and even though you’re not sure about the source of this wisdom, you feel strongly that you have access to a truth.
These innate impressions feel real, but how do we know — for certain — if they actually are? And, how common are these experiences?
Recent scientific research points to the validity of channeling and intuitive experiences — and supports techniques that can help you improve your channeling capacity and build more trust and confidence in your own intuition.
Not to be confused with a mental health issue or neurological disorder, channeling is, in fact, a common phenomenon. When you tune in to your inner wisdom, you cultivate a stronger capacity to know what is in your best interest in each and every moment.
As trust in your intuition and understanding the language of the unseen grows, you generate more ease and flow in your life, which ripples out to your relationships, families, communities, and beyond.
Many of us feel we need to rely on someone else to access channeled wisdom. That doesn’t have to be the case.
This wisdom already lives within you.
IONS Director of Research Helané Wahbeh proposes that everyone can channel — in a way that is unique to them.
You’ll hear and learn much more when you join Helané for this empowering free online event, in which she’ll reveal the latest scientific research on channeling phenomena, shedding light on questions such as “How common is channeling?” and “What is the evidence that channeling is real?”
Helané will then guide you to explore your own capacity to connect with information and energy beyond space and time and help you enhance that connection.
You’ll discover that when you are in a quiet, still space, you can tune in to the contraction and expansion within and find answers to deep questions through intuition.
Demystify the Connection Between Your Intuition & Channeling: Learn the Scientific Evidence Behind Our Innate Capacity to Know Beyond the 5 Senses
February 6, 2025,
8:30pm PST
This event is hosted by The Shift Network. Please visit their website for more information.