
Community Groups: A Safe Place for Kindred Spirits to Explore Consciousness

March 15, 2016
Tahdi Blackstone

Hosting “a vibrant community of explorers and change agents who are working together to make a difference in the world” is one of the key functions of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). There are over 175 community groups across 21 countries that meet regularly to hear speakers, explore research, and discuss topics such as transformation, forgiveness, healing, psychic phenomena, and new scientific discoveries. Most important to me, however, is the deep listening and authentic sharing that happens within an IONS Community Group.

Before learning about IONS, I was taught what to think and what to believe. It was always an “outside in” kind of learning experience. Joining an IONS Community Group was a new, refreshing experience; it was a safe place with kindred spirits asking, “What do you/we think?” without the pressure of a right or wrong answer. It is a profound and delightful experience to search our own and each other’s souls for the truths inside, and release the beliefs that no longer serve. It takes dear friends to help celebrate all that wisdom and weed that garden!

Through these gatherings, I’ve learned that connecting to my inner life is thrilling, and that the discovery of the inner responses can be varied, unpredictable, deep, and exciting. No wonder Edgar Mitchell’s enthusiasm for researching consciousness and the myriad of ramifications of its gifts was so strong. I’ve found that participation in a Community Group is a way to feed one’s soul, and to connect with others of like mind and heart. One Community Group member calls it her “spiritual oasis” that she wouldn’t miss each month.

Late this summer, the Community Group Leadership Council is offering a Consciousness Cruise as a way for consciousness explorers to gather together in conversation and discovery. Open to all interested individuals, we’ll sail from Seattle to Alaska from August 30 to September 6, 2016. Joining us on this cruise will be IONS CEO Cassandra Vieten, along with IONS fellows Peter Russell and Rupert Sheldrake, and all the other amazing presenters who will all be weaving their unique blend of scientific rationale, global vision, and intuitive wisdom together. As with all community group events, this cruise is in service to the IONS mission of creating a shift in consciousness worldwide—where people recognize that we are all part of an interconnected whole and are inspired to take action to help humanity and the planet thrive. I hope you will join us!

About the Author

Tahdi Blackstone has been a community group leader of Los Angeles IONS Community Group for over 26 years. She is also currently a member of the Community Group Leadership Council and has been organizing the Consciousness Cruises for many years. Tahdi was so excited with IONS founder Edgar Mitchell’s story and vision, and the curiosity and exploration energy of IONS after multiple fundamentalist schools and church experiences, that she had to share this new information with others.

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