Edgar Mitchell Overview Effect

A Virtual Reality Experience

Explore the Life-Changing Experience of the Overview Effect in Virtual Reality!

On his way back to Earth after his pioneering moonwalk, Apollo 14 astronaut and IONS founder, Dr. Edgar Mitchell had a life-changing experience.

Peering out the window of his space capsule — with a 360-degree panoramic view of the stars, the moon, our planet, and the vastness of the cosmos — he suddenly experienced a deep sense of interconnection, a powerful feeling that he was an intrinsic part of everything he was observing.

It was an experience unlike anything Dr. Mitchell had encountered previously in his life and he described it as, “a sudden explosion of awareness, a profound sense of interconnection, an epiphany.” It transformed his perception, not only of the Earth, but of himself, humanity, and of humanity’s potential.

And it changed his life.


Introducing the Edgar Mitchell Virtual Reality Experience (EMVRX)

We invite you to experience the cosmos as Dr. Edgar Mitchell did in that profound moment.

The 3D virtual reality experience is completely free to individuals and groups. It’s also available as a 2D movie for those who don’t have access to virtual reality equipment.

The 2D experience is a recording of the view through the VR googles of a user. What viewers will see will be dependent on the 360-degree view they have and the angle they turn their head to look and watch. This may impact the perspectives and perceived movement of objects and text.

In addition, we’ve included an innovative Exploration Guide to foster your personal inquiry and group discussion. This guide includes:

  • an introduction to the VR experience and video
  • an overview of key concepts
  • journaling prompts
  • discussion/inquiry questions
  • further resources and scientific references

All of this material can be explored individually and/or in a group setting.

The VR experience was described by one viewer as:

“…a meditative, visceral experience of transcendence. As we journey through space, we hear Edgar’s voice guide us through the dissolving of any and all boundaries within our consciousness to the universal connection we humans share.”

Production Team

The VR experience was developed by:

  • IONS Scientist and two-time Oscar-winning co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios, executive producer Loren Carpenter
  • IONS Board Chair and executive producer, Claudia Welss
  • Senior IONS Fellow, project lead, and producer Cassandra Vieten
  • Emmy-award winning and Oscar-nominated director/producer Bristol Baughan
  • Award-winning creators of the VR Apollo 11 and VR experience programmers ImmersiveVR Education

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