
Do You Think You Might Have Precognition? Take This Test and Advance The Science

August 4, 2022
Dean Radin, IONS Chief Scientist
Do you think you might have precognition, the psychic ability to outguess an unpredictable future? Now you can get a better idea in just a few minutes with a simple online test that will help you find out.

How this precognition test works

The test will task users with selecting which of two buttons will result in a hit — a match to the output of the RNG. Feedback is provided on most trials in the form of an image that becomes more colorful the more hits you get. If you wish you can also hear a short audio clip you may recognize from a popular movie or TV show.
The target is the output of a hardware random number generator (RNG) running on our server. The test works on Chrome and Edge browsers (PC or Mac), and on an iPhone with Safari.
When you first sign up there is an informed consent form and a short questionnaire. A single run on this test is 100 trials, which on average takes most people less than 10 minutes. It’s fun! Please give it a try.

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