
Healing Ourselves and Our Planet: Wisdom from a Traditional Andean Medicine Man

July 23, 2024
IONS Communications Team

We are in exciting times—in the midst of a global awakening of human consciousness. But there’s also a lot of change that can be overwhelming. That’s why indigenous wisdom can serve as a guiding light and help us remember who we are and why we came here. 

In recognition of our free webinar series, ConnectIONS Live, we’re recapping a ConnectIONS Live with Puma Quispe Singona. Puma is a Traditional Andean Medicine Man who delivered the webinar straight from the Andean mountains in Peru. 

Our ancestors were preparing for these times

Around 7 minutes in, Puma mentions how, thousands of years ago, our ancestors were preparing for the epoch we’re in—the one that started around 2012. In many indigenous traditions, 2012 is considered the year of a new beginning. That’s the year humanity collectively entered into an evolved, awakened state of being.

Puma recounts the fascinating history of Earth’s past citizens. Eons ago, our planet was inhabited by a highly advanced civilization that didn’t use its intelligence wisely. According to the legend, they were trying to steal life energy from this planet and take it somewhere else in the galaxy. 

Luckily, our planet Earth (Pachamama) is protected by the four elements that came to the rescue. Seven seeds from this advanced alien race were planted in different parts of the Earth, sprouting into the most important civilizations we know of. 

Humanity was given one more chance under one condition: To ensure we wouldn’t keep hurting the Earth, we would become less and less evolved with each generation and lack access to technologies that could harm the planet. This degeneration, with each generation less advanced than its predecessors, continued until 2012.

About 11 minutes in, Puma claims that since 2012, the tables have turned, and every generation will now become more evolved than the last! This awakening happened just in time—despite lacking access to advanced technology, we still found ways of hurting the planet. 

Seventeen minutes into the live, Puma shares the grandness of the powerful shift we’re in. For thousands of years, we’ve been in preparation for these times! 

This clip of Puma Quispe Singona is one of the most viewed videos on IONS YouTube Channel. 

Everything is a ceremony

He goes on to share the importance of ceremony. Everything we say, think, and do affects others. That’s why our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings need to be offerings of love.

But ceremony is not a human concept. It is a phenomenon of Mother Earth, the sun, moon, stars, and planets. Of the cosmos. Of nature. Of the mountains, elements, animals, and plants. Nature itself is always in ceremony. When we sit in ceremony, we simply have the privilege to join them.

The reason for the universe being in this constant ceremony is for us to live a sacred life and experience everything we came here to experience. After all, we are consciousness expressing itself. 

Ceremony can take different forms, as explained around the 21-minute mark. Everything that happens within sacred time and space is ceremony. Meditation, vision quests, sacred fire, songs, prayers, attending a festival; even working can count as ceremony. It is all about the energy and intention put into the activity.

The duality of the human experience

Around 22 minutes in, Puma shares about the Andean belief that we come from the absolute sun that neither rises nor sets. This is true for all humans on Earth. We have lived here for lifetimes, but we are not from here. We are temporarily here as powerful guardians of this planet. We get to experience wonders, magic, and all that is possible. 

When we are done, we need to return to our divine origins. That’s why it’s important to treat Pachamama with respect as the guests we are and not take her for granted. 

On this planet, as opposed to where we come from, there is sacred duality. Everything is polarities. The sun rises and sets. There is light and dark, bad and good, beautiful and ugly…

In Andean traditions, this is represented in its fundamental form by two types of energy: 

  • Sami, the highly refined energy that nurtures, revitalizes, and feeds us. The light of the sun and moon. The energy behind vitality, peace, harmony, and joy. Sami is also the energy medicine men and women use for healing purposes.
  • Hucha, or heavy energy. It manifests as fear, doubt, stress, worries, guilt, blame, and shame. 

In the human experience, both of these energies are present. But we choose which of the two we let into our energy fields and bodies. Sami supports us, while Hucha gives us challenges and crises. 

The unsettling events on Earth during the last few years have led to a lot of Hucha energy being manifested collectively. 

We are still recovering from this global state of fear, transforming and transmuting Hucha into Sami energy—with the help of Pachamama.

Are you choosing love or fear?

Around 29 minutes in, Puma shares that heaven and hell are not features of the afterlife—it’s already here in the form of Sami and Hucha. Collectively, we will keep experiencing a global awakening, whether we do it from Hucha or Sami. 

The choice is ultimately ours. We can choose to learn and evolve through Hucha, which is arguably more painful. As the saying goes, “Whatever you don’t learn from love, you learn from crisis.” 

Ultimately, the experience in itself is the whole point, whether we approach it from Sami or Hucha, from love or fear. Life is always a gift.

That said, the conscious path is to choose to evolve through Sami. When we are in Hucha, we hurt ourselves, others, and Mother Earth. That’s why the awakening is about returning to Sami, our essence. 

The spiritual journey is to transcend the duality and act as protectors of Mother Earth. Only when we come back to that can we be of service. Awakening is also about reminding others that they have a choice through our own conscious actions. 

What you think and feel affects everyone

Around the 40-minute mark, Puma shares how we now exist in global consciousness. Just 30 years ago, most people were living in a local consciousness, only focused on their closest community.

Now, everything you go through affects the global collective community.  Whatever we are conscious of is manifested or becomes manifested. That’s why it’s important to love—and to love unconditionally. Through unconditional love, we heal our planet. It all starts with self-forgiveness, which is an expression of unconditional love toward yourself. 

Transforming Hucha to Sami

Toward the end of the webinar, Puma shares an exercise for transforming the dense Hucha energy into the light Sami: visualize yourself within a crystal before breathing. Crystals have an alchemical effect that turns heavy energy into light. So when you visualize yourself inside a crystal, your breathing automatically becomes lighter, turning into a healing, transforming breath. 

You can also connect to the power of fire as you breathe. The fire energy transmutes Hucha into Sami. 

The webinar concludes with a Q&A. Puma forecasts that spiritual leaders will activate powerful telepathic threads during the next years to facilitate Pachamama’s healing.

Wisdom from a Traditional Andean Medicine Man: Takeaways

We’re living in truly transformative times that our ancestors predicted thousands of years ago. More than ever, it’s important to realize our power and that we always have the choice between love and fear. 

From a spiritually evolutionary perspective, humanity is past its lowest point, and we’re already seeing a new, much lighter generation being born. Exciting times to be alive!

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