Have you ever felt an inexplicable connection with someone, sensing their thoughts, feelings, or actions? While some dismiss such experiences as figments of the imagination, some believe these phenomena could be instances of telepathy—a form of direct mind-to-mind communication. A fascinating new study aims to explore these mysterious connections, focusing specifically on twins and emotionally bonded partners. Let’s dive into the details of this pioneering research!
Who Can Participate?
The study seeks to recruit pairs of adult volunteers who meet specific criteria. Here’s a quick rundown:
- Twins or Emotionally Bonded Pairs: Participants must be either twins, preferably identical twins, or emotionally bonded individuals.
- Consent and Technology: Both members must understand and sign a research consent form and have the means to complete surveys on a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
- Telepathic Experiences: The pair must have experienced two or more instances of telepathic connections that both members can confirm.
- Excluded Participants: Children under 17, those unable to understand the consent form, or individuals unwilling or unable to complete the survey.
A Three-Phase Screening Process
The study’s goal is to find 100 promising candidate pairs for follow-up studies. A three-phase process will be used.
Phase 1: Initial Screening Survey
- Time: 5 minutes.
- Content: Includes consent form and questions about demographics, relationship details, telepathic experiences, emotional closeness, communication frequency, and physical distance between partners.
Phase 2: In-Depth Questionnaire
- Eligible Candidates: Those selected from Phase 1.
- Time: 20 minutes.
- Process: Eligible candidates will receive an individualized link to share with their partners. There will be an additional consent form and a series of questions about telepathic experiences, along with various psychological scales such as the Noetic Signature Inventory, the Toronto Empathy Scale, and a Boundary Thinness scale.
Phase 3: Selection of 200 candidate pairs.
- Procedure: Each of 200 pairs selected from Phase 2 will be invited to take the IONS Discovery Lab (IDL) questionnaire.
- Assessment: Scores and results from the IDL and the GotPsi suite of psi tests will determine 100 pairs who will advance to further studies on telepathic communication.
How to Get Involved
The study team will recruit volunteers via twin registries, social media, IONS newsletters, personal networks, and word of mouth. If you and your twin or closely bonded individual have experienced telepathic connections, and are interested in studying it, this might be the perfect opportunity to participate in some groundbreaking research.
Final Thoughts
This three-phase candidate recruitment process is just the first step in a more comprehensive study aimed at investigating the mechanisms underlying telepathic experiences. That study will use the most sophisticated neuroimaging systems and methods of analysis available today to explore what is happening in the minds and brains of people as they are having these experiences. .
Stay tuned for more updates as this exciting research unfolds!
Interested in participating? To learn more, please visit https://www.research.net/r/Mind2Mind_1
This study is being conducted by the Institute of Noetic Sciences. All study activities are overseen by an Institutional Review Board (IORG#0003743). The Principal Investigator of the study is Dean Radin PhD.