Since 1973, IONS has been at the forefront of the scientific investigation of consciousness and its role in our lives and the physical world. Through intensive research and groundbreaking experimentation, we explore the interconnection between personal, inner space and the “outer space” of our shared reality.
Exploring Our Interconnected Universe
We conduct scientific research on the most profound mysteries of human existence.
Our research goal: a deeper understanding of the true nature of reality

Rigorous Research, Profound Possibilities
A lens through which we gain a more holistic understanding of ourselves and our world – discovering new solutions to age-old problems for ourselves, society, and our future.
Through our direct-experience laboratory, we investigate the effects of noetic experiences and practices on well-being, innovation, and extended human capacities.
Our moonshot: unlocking the mechanisms of how our mind influences the physical world, creating breakthroughs towards robust, reliable, repeatable applications.

Explore Our Experiments
From studying mind-matter interactions, to advancing the field of collective consciousness, to identifying mechanisms of energy healing, to finding out how we can extend our human capacities, our research empirically investigates the most profound questions of our time.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Explore why meditation is beneficial to your health, what clairvoyant people have in common, and other intriguing findings in our extensive library of peer-reviewed papers by IONS scientists.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications on Psi Research
Peruse this short list of journal articles and books about psi phenomena compiled by IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin, PhD.
Meet Our Scientists
As experts in physics, molecular biology, neuroscience, computer science and engineering, psychophysiology, and clinical research, we work together to conduct cutting-edge research on consciousness and its role in the physical world.
Participate in Research
You can be part of research projects being conducted by IONS scientists and fellows.
There's More to Explore
Resources, media, information and tools you can use to enhance your understanding of noetic science, expand your mind, and feed your soul.